As part of the celebration of World Youth Day, the First National Forum of Rural Youth in the Agricultural Sector of Panama was successfully closed. The event took place from August 11 to 12 of this year, under the motto "Rural Youth: Challenges and Dynamic Solutions for the Future", and had the participation of the Minister of Agricultural Development, Augusto Valderrama.

Valderrama reaffirmed the Government's commitment to supporting rural youth in the transformation of the agricultural sector, seeking greater productivity, sustainability and employment. He thanked FAO for its support and highlighted the importance of indigenous youth in this process.

Youseff Sayad, National Director of the National Rural Youth Program of MIDA (PRONAJUR), said that this national forum was intended to strengthen the line and vision of agro-entrepreneurship of rural youth in the country in order to face the challenges that exist. not only economically but also on the climate issue.

The forum brought together more than 200 young people from all over the country, and the Minister swore in Ada Carrasco Pinzón as president of the National Rural Youth Council.

This event, supported by the AMEXCID-FAO Hunger-Free Mesoamerica Program, strengthened the vision of agricultural entrepreneurship in rural youth, key to facing economic and climatic challenges. The importance of continuing to strengthen rural youth was highlighted for the benefit of the agricultural sector.

The activity ended with the presentation of certificates and a firm commitment to continue enriching the Panamanian agricultural sector through youth empowerment.
